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Basement Waterproofing Is The Best Long-term Fix

If you have a musty smell in your basement or house, or maybe mold growing on your walls and a general dampness in the basement of your house. Then you have big troubles ahead.  Your basement is not waterproofed and you need your local Toronto waterproofing company to come and professionally waterproof your basement.

A basement that is not sealed correctly is prone to all kinds of leaks or water damage. No matter how good the brickwork is, the pressure of the surrounding earth will soon find any small crevice or crack and force dampness and water through.

Dampness and mold in a house is a serious problem that can range from smelly clothes and furnishings to full scale respiratory problems in your family.  You house will not escape problems either.  All kinds of structural damage can arise from damp walls.  Bowing of walls, sloping floors and doors and windows that do not fix are just some of the symptoms of a damp basement.

You should hire a Toronto basement waterproofing professional to come and asses your basement and search for any causes or damp and signs of water ingress.

This is not the time for home based remedies or quick fixes.  These are short term solutions that may make the correct remedy even more difficult and costly.  These do it yourself fixes include spray on sealants, hardening solutions injected into cracks and other quick barrier methods.  They may stop the leaks for a short while, but will not solve the leaking problem in the long term.

The professional solution is to install a drainage system to your basement, coupled with a waterproof membrane.  A drainage system, correctly installed by your Toronto waterproofing professionals will carry water away from your basement and foundations into the surrounding earth.

This will involve digging a trench in your basement, installing a pipe and a pump within the trench and then covering it all with cement.  The trench will catch the water and the pump will remove it to the outside of your property.

They will also dig down to your foundations and install a waterproof membrane to the outside of your basement.  This will provide extra protection against any water ingress through your brick work.

If you wish to use your basement for storage or living, a good Toronto waterproofing expert will provide the best long term fix to your basement damp problems. Call them quickly.

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