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Why Hiring Expert Waterproofing Contractors for your Basement Repair is always beneficial?

Why Hiring Expert Waterproofing Contractors for your Basement Repair is always beneficial?

Throughout our lives, we have been taught to be self-sustained. Whether it was being taught to clean our rooms or to prepare our own meals, it is these habits that we have learned since an early age that have been engrained in the way we do things.

It is for these reasons that we get excited by the thought of, or by the actual act of, building or fixing thing. Although our hectic lifestyles give us less time on hand, making the minutes, hours, days slip by, we still strive for that independence, the pride that that warms us when we do not have to depend on people, physically. This is why the concept of DIY excites us. ‘Do It Yourself’, DIYs for a candlestick or a scrapbook is harmless, but this same concept, when applied to waterproofing your leaky basement, gets hazardous.

Professional Waterproofing Services

When waterproofing a wet or a leaky basement, extensive research on the area and the possible causes of the leak is required. The source of the leak is what determines the type of waterproofing material that is to be used. Also, the degree of damage caused by the seeped water, to the walls, floors, and foundations, has to be determined. The extent of damage, the cause and effect of the leak and the method to seal the leak, by crack injection or by any other method can only be determined by a professional waterproofing company..

Extensive Research and an Economic Solution:

A waterproofing company does this research of the house and the source of the water leak, analyses the foundations on which the house is built on, and the damage caused to the surrounding areas, before determining the materials, and the method that is to be used by them. Moreover, a professional waterproofing company for repair is an economical solution, considering the quality and the longevity of the waterproofing method that is used.

Practical Knowledge and Speedy Solution:

Sure, you could do the research yourself, put in days and weeks into finding the source of the leak, and the best methods to be used, but, the question here is if we could spare this huge amount of time? A professional waterproofing company does this for a living. They are committed to finish the job in a minimum amount of time and provide top quality service. The biggest advantage to hiring a professional to take care of your basement waterproofing is that they have the practical knowledge and the experience to determine the subtle pros and cons of a waterproofing methods that no amount of research could give us. There are many waterproofing contractors available in the market and we are one of the top-rated and largest waterproofing services in Canada. To get a free basement waterproofing quote, visit our website or call to 1-800-277-5411, for a 24-hour, round-the-clock assistance.

Problems because of Wet Basement

Problems because of Wet Basement

A basement, by definition, refers to one or more floors of a building that is either partially or completely located underground.  In homes, the basement can take the form of a cellar and is often used as a storage space. Sometimes, it can also be used as a residential space.

Mainly, wet basements can be caused due to water running in or due to condensation. The common causes include

  • Sewer water from clogged lines.
  • Run off water that stagnates as it is unable to flow due to reasons like blocked gutters.
  • High ground water levels that lead to seepage.
  • Bad use or improper use of sealants

The common problems because of wet basements include

  • Musty smell and fungal growth on walls
  • Efflorescence and plaster peeling off the walls
  • Rotting wood and carpets

All of the above can cause innumerable health problems and also slowly start to impair the structural integrity of the building. Hence, it is important that they are fixed at the earliest. Call in a reliable waterproofing contractor today and lead a tension free lifestyle!For more details visit us https://www.waterproofingservice.com/

Buying a new home: What to check for in the basement

Buying a new home: What to check for in the basement

Buying a new home is exciting. but what to check in the basement? Whether you’re looking for a bigger place for the family, relocating or exploring investment opportunities, a new home opens up new opportunities!

It’s common for homebuyers to have houses of interest inspected prior to purchase. Home inspectors check typical elements like building structure, foundation, plumbing and electrical, and they also have a brief look at dampness.
However, this often doesn’t reveal all dampness issues.
  1. Use a moisture reader

Typically, home inspectors do not utilize moisture readers, which are crucial for obtaining an accurate assessment of dampness in a house. It is important that you either acquire one or enlist experts to accurately measure moisture levels in the basement.

  1. Check for Efflorescence
Efflorescence is the salts and minerals that come out of concrete once the concrete absorbs water or moisture. This can be found on the concrete on the walls inside the basement. It looks like white powder, as shown below:
Most of the time, efflorescence is mistaken for mold growth. Although it is not immediately harmless, it is often an indication that the weeping tile is not draining properly on the outside, allowing the water and moisture to get into the wall.
This can cause problems later on. Poor drainage means the basement is at risk of further harm, with heavy rain or melting snow potentially resulting in flooding, which can be costly to fix.
Whether you’ve identified basement waterproofing issues and want a quote on repair, or you need help identifying issues, we can help. We’re the experts in basement waterproofing and repair in Toronto and the GTA. We have decades of experience repairing homes and we’re Canadian owned and operated. Contact us today at 1.866.279.1919 or request a free quote online now!

Weeping tile, heavy rain and your home

Weeping tile, heavy rain and your home

It’s that time of the year again – fall. It means cooler weather, crunchy leaves and kids going back to school.

It can, however, also be a homeowner’s nightmare. Unpredictable weather from September to November can bring heavy rain.  Consequently, many people experience moisture or water seepage issues in their basement during this time. The cause? It’s often the result of old foundation weeping tile – an indicator that your home may be in need of exterior waterproofing.

How does weeping tile work?

When homes are built, It is usually laid around the perimeter of the foundation, beside the footings. See below:  

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The purpose of these tile is to create a channel for groundwater to travel to proper drainage. Small slits in the hard plastic allow for water to take the path of least resistance and enter the pipes. This prevents water from saturating and pooling around the footings and then resulting in leakage and a wet basement.

The issues with old weeping tile

Over time, it can break or become blocked with soil. Sometimes, older weeping tile is made from clay, which with age, can crumble and deteriorate. These scenarios all lead to water flowing over and interfering with your home and causing a wet, leaky basement.

The solution

If you experience any of the above, there is a high possibility that the weeping tile needs to be replaced, as well surrounding the new tile with gravel to create a soil-free zone, and then surrounding both tile and gravel with fabric – a geo-textile filter cloth – to prevent clogging. This provides two layers of extra protection to ensure that dirt stays out and water reaches the weeping tile. The walls are also sealed with the highest quality rubberized urethane, poly sheeting and dimple board to guarantee a waterproofed foundation.

My basement is leaking – what do I do?

We can help. We are a company that is 100% Canadian-owned and the foremost foundation repair specialists in Ontario. Our team of experts can help diagnose the issue and provide you with a range of basement waterproofing solutions. Request a free estimate online, or call us at 1-800-277-5411. We are here to help.  

The Importance of Sump Pump Battery Backups

The Importance of Sump Pump Battery Backups

There are many reasons your sump pump can stop working. When this happens, you run the risk of a wet or flooded basement. Having a sump pump battery backup will prevent this nightmare from occurring. If the primary pump fails, the battery-powered pump takes over and ejects the water. A small price to pay for keeping your home and peace of mind intact!

What causes sump pump failure?

  • Power outage – This is one of the most common reasons. A storm, lightning or heavy rains can cause a power failure, which means your sump pump will not work when you need it most.
  • Pump overload – A lower capacity sump pump can break down as it cannot handle the large volume of rain water or melting snow.
  • Floating switch – A frequent cause of pump failure—the switch can get trapped against the pump, discharge pipe or power cord and cannot be turned on.
  • Worn out switches – When made of poor quality materials, the switch can wear out causing the motor to burn.

A sump pump battery backup is easy to install. It connects to the existing discharge pipe or you can run a separate pipe for it. Unlike water-powered systems, a battery backup system works even when there is no water supply. This is one if its biggest advantages.

Selecting the Right Sump Pump Battery Backup System

A battery-powered sump pump backup consists of a battery, a battery-powered pump, a charger and additional piping. The best quality units come with a larger battery and a more sophisticated battery charger. The larger the sump pump battery the longer the run-time. A good quality charger will also prolong the battery’s life.

Not sure which type of sump pump battery backup system is right for you? We can help! As a licensed contractor with the City of Toronto, we will ensure you have the correct system for your needs and that it is properly installed. We install the latest sump pumps with advanced options like an alarm that notifies you on your cell phone.

Need help with your wet basement? Contact one of our basement waterproofing specialists who will be more than happy to provide you with a free inspection and offer the right solution for your specific situation.

Foundation Waterproofing 101

Foundation Waterproofing 101

Men working on an external waterproofing projectFoundation waterproofing can prevent the stress and expense of a wet basement remediation. Cracks, sinking and heaving of foundations is not uncommon and it is one of the major causes of basement leaks and flooding.

Our experts have provided an overview of waterproofing methods, estimated costs and warranties. Why wait for a problem to occur before you fix it when you can prevent it from happening in the first place?

Foundation waterproofing methods

There are many different foundation waterproofing solutions to help fix or prevent wet basement issues. These range from installing a sump pump, foundation anchors, a foundation pier system, a waterproofing membrane, to crack injection. Determining which one works best for you involves identifying the exact cause of your problem and the potential risks. Get an expert to inspect your foundation to get the right answers.

Foundation waterproofing costs

The cost of your waterproofing project is linked to the type of work that needs to be done. Crack injection costs, for instance, differ from installing foundation anchors or a pier system. It also depends on whether you need interior or exterior work or both. Get quotes to estimate your expenses but do not choose a service provider solely based on price.

Foundation waterproofing warranties 

A warranty is only as good as the company that provides it. Selecting the right foundation waterproofing company, therefore, is critical to quality workmanship and avoiding future problems. Check the company or contractor’s credentials to ensure the warranty will hold good.

We specialize in foundation waterproofing for both residential and commercial properties in the Toronto and Hamilton areas. As one of Canada’s largest waterproofing companies, we have wide-ranging experience that includes big names like Pearson International Airport, Scotia Bank and Wal-Mart to name a few.  Our contractors are experienced, licensed, insured and offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

If you have a wet basement or cracked foundation, call 1-800-277-5411 today, or use our Crack Injection Online Estimator Tool for a quick quote.

 A foundation waterproofing specialist will be more than happy to provide you with a free inspection and offer a solution.

Wet Basement Waterproofing 101

Wet basement waterproofing 101

Wet basement waterproofing can preserve your home’s structural integrity and value. A leaky basement reduces property appeal and can mean having to lower your price significantly at the time of sale. The best solution is to take precautions that will prevent this from happening.

Homeowner’s Guide to Uncovering Wet Basement Leaks

  • Inspect basement windows: Damaged caulking and cracks are a common cause for water entering a basement. Poorly insulated windows and high humidity can also lead to moisture and condensation, which cause leaky windows.  Look for pooling water.
  • Examine your basement floor and walls for cracks: This is another point of entry for water. Effective basement waterproofing requires you to fix cracks before you can waterproof them.
  • Check your eavestroughs and gutters: Clogged or broken eavestroughs and downspouts can cause leaks as well as channel water towards the foundation of your home. This water will eventually seep into your basement. Ensure eavestroughs, downspouts and gutters move water away from your house.
  • Take a look at the grading around your house: Make sure the area is sloping away from your home.
  • Ensure your pool is not leaking: A leaking pool or pool pump can lead water towards your building and basement. Inspect your pool at the beginning and end of summer to catch and fix these problems in time.

We offer various solutions to address wet and leaky basement issues including, internal drainage systems, external waterproofing/window wells, crack injections and sump pumps. As one of Canada’s largest waterproofing companies operating in the Toronto and Hamilton area, we pride ourselves on excellent workmanship and customer service.

Not sure what wet basement waterproofing problem you have? Call 1-800-277-5411 or use our handy basement diagram and find out today!

One of our basement waterproofing specialists will be more than happy to provide you with a free inspection and offer the right solution.

We’re Featured on LOVE IT OR LIST IT

We Grab Feature Spot on ‘Love It or List It’

Love It Or List It Logo

If you have a damp, dank basement, you are not alone. Unfortunately, some folks have it worse than others. One Toronto couple had major water problems that were making life at their lakeside home miserable. Then, Hilary Farr, David Visentin and Fergus McLaren of “Love it or List It” had Waterproofingservice come to their rescue.

Before we got to work, Chelsea and Brian were dealing with three kids, a malfunctioning kitchen and a master suite located in the home’s musty, funky-smelling basement. The water problems were so bad that the couple nicknamed the basement “the pit of despair” and resorted to sleeping on a pullout couch upstairs to avoid the damp, musty space.

Great views attracted the couple to the lakeside bungalow with a $700,000 price tag, but they were oblivious to the decrepit basement and its many problems. After assessing the situation, Farr and McLaren decided that waterproofing the basement was the only option, so they called in to treat the home’s entire perimeter. our experts installed sump pumps, excavated around the foundation, applied a waterproof barrier and built drains to direct water away from the home. The team also used foam insulation to protect the interior from condensation and temperature fluctuations.

Fortunately, Chelsea and Brian were blown away by their new, dry basement and were able to fall in love with their home once again. In these situations, exterior waterproofing is the only way to eliminate the problem completely and make your property appeal to buyers should you decide to sell.

To learn more about basement waterproofing, contact us directly.

Call now to speak with a waterproofing expert:
1 (866) 279-1919

Or, try our free Online Estimate Tool to calculate the cost of waterproofing your home.

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