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Toronto wet basement problems and how to fix them

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If you find that you have a wet basement you will certainly have a problem if you don’t take immediate steps to find the source of the problem and carry out the necessary repairs. If you ignore the problem because you don’t use the basement, you can have a large renovation problem on your hands. Water can lead to structural damage and the development of mold, both of which are costly to repair. By using the services of professional contractors in the Toronto area who specialize in drying out the basement and making it waterproof you will not only solve the problem in one swoop, but you will also add to the value of your home.

There are various types of products available for foundation waterproofing. Such a service will give you peace of mind in that when you are experiencing a heavy rainstorm you don’t have to worry about any water seeping into your basement from the outside. You do need to do your research when choosing a waterproofing company to do the work for you. First you should look for a company that has many years of experience. This will tell you that the company has been in business for a long time and the installers really know what they are doing.

Another thing to look for in foundation waterproofing and repair in the Toronto region is a company that offers a warranty on the work it performs for you. A company that stands behind its products and its work is the best one to choose. A reputable company usually offers 25 years of warranty, which means you do have a lot of time to enjoy your home, grow your family and live your life without constantly worrying about your basement. This also tells you that you can go ahead and develop the basement and in this way increase the amount of money you could realize from the sale of your home.

The City of Toronto has a waterproofing subsidy program in place to help homeowners who want to waterproof and repair the foundation of their homes. Known as the Basement Flooding Protection Program, you can receive a subsidy to cover up to 80% of the cost you incur in the process. Now that is really good news in that the job is not as expensive as you might think when you first receive the quote from the company.

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